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Chinese translation for "polling company"


Related Translations:
polls:  民意调查投票站政治选举
to poll:  轮询
heavy poll:  投票人数众多
polling rate:  报告率巡检速度
production poll:  生产性查询
parallel poll:  平行轮询
poll code:  登记码注册码
uunnumbered poll:  未编号轮询
polling interval poll interval:  巡回检测间隔
en poll:  民意测验
Example Sentences:
1.The results were given on the independent polling company ' s website
2.When we did a survey late last year , about 98 percent of the polled companies agreed that hong kong would gain business advantages from higher ethical standards
3.When we did a survey late last year , about 98 percent of the polled companies agreed that hong kong would gain business advantages from higher ethical standards
4.Getting the message across is crucial for conservation . wwf is hiring a professional polling company , tns , to conduct a poll on public perceptions to freshwater problems of the pearl river in guangzhou in mid - 2007 to facilitate the development of communication strategies for the region
要成功保育,必须将保育信息广泛散布开去,本会正委托专业民意调查机构tns ,于2007年中向广州地区的民众对珠三角环境问题的认知进行调查,结果将协助我们制定区内传讯策略。
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